Well, there are things in their eyes, different things. I don't know why but it's now in history if I remember a time I looked in the depth of anybody's eyes.
I always look at the face in general and then I go for the body. I feel like I'm losing my human Part and the animal inside is roaring and wants to rip me apart and come out.
Lust maybe is the trigger, but... well let's forget about this... It's not what I want to say.

Their eyes.... they can be kind, ugly, sad, angry, surprised, shy and lonely. I remember all these eyes but I don't remember the time I stopped looking at them. Am I afraid of my own eyes to be read or maybe I'm afraid of seeing the truth in their eyes. Do you think if I've known the answer I would write about it?!
The fear of being unpleasant and unwanted, I've tried so hard to not look straight in their eyes and now I think I've lost the way. deep inside I like those eyes and the feeling you get from them...
I can look directly to the sun without the fear of blindness, but then maybe with putting such an intense feeling
into looking the sun, I make her uncomfortable. maybe she starts
imagining things about me and sets before its correct time. who knows?!!
The fear of misunderstandings while staring
at them. I want my stares back, I want a world without
misunderstandings where I can see the beauties for hours without
becoming uneasy or make them so and be an annoying.
I want my world back where those looks weren't forbidden . . .I want it back.
Reza and his loneliness