
This is the first time I'm speaking of this after a decade. A decade that changed my life and everyone. A decade of chaos and losing the humanity we always honored. It all started with me feeling lonely at a party. I hardly remember others and I don't recall any name or face... But I remember being lonely in a party. Those kinds of feelings you get when you think about losing a part of your family. Well, I don't really recall the feeling anymore either but I think it's like a growing hole in your heart and an emptiness that can't be endured.

I always was a religious guy but like all the other things I don't remember, I don't remember my religion or what I've believed in. Why I'm saying this? Because one of the reasons I left the party was a religious one. But I don't recall the reason.


I left the party but that hole in my heart was growing by the minute. Something was off. I knew but I didn't know what. I was walking so fast that I started sweating but the hole... it was there.. Oh that's a miracle... A bus... An L-shaped bus... I don't like buses but considering my situation, it looked like a miracle....


We had four different kinds of buses.... The first one was a two floored bus that I always hated. The second one is micro-bus with no chairs to sit on for poor people to travel. The third was the N-shaped and the one I loved when I was a kid... The L-shaped.


I ran for the bus and the old driver with those thick glasses saw me. As I said there was something off. I still had that hole and I was running for the end of the bus. You know when it came to personal matters I was a shy person but after all these years I can't remember what I was shy about. Well, the personal matter, right... I always had a thing for women's feet that I couldn't explain even when I was a kid; I keep staring at them here and there... But touching them... Never... I didn't know why but all those fears that were keeping me from doing something stupid were gone and I was barefoot myself. I saw a barefoot woman at the end of the bus before the exit door. Step on it and ran for the back door. That was the plan. I step on her feet and I felt the strike of lightening. She saw me shivered but didn't do a thing but smile... All those years of fear… these girls knew! Who knows?!


Not that it matters and it really doesn't... After all that happened, every girl or mistress out there would die to do anything for a first class killer like me without looking down on me or seeing me as a psychic... When the only reason to live is just living itself and surviving, those who kill are the precious ones.


After I touched them I was so excited and afraid that I headed for the last exit door, I pushed it as hard as I could and it cracked open but then I heard the sound of the chains that has been used to restrict it from opening... A pretty thoughtful tool to stop people from not giving money and running. I was running to the driver to give him the damn money and get out that I saw the projecting device...


This bus was an ancient. The driver had never listened to the company and never updated the system. Still using a projection to show movies in the bus. All those years that mom never allowed us to watch movies at home, dad and I were watching them in this buses and that was the reason why I loved the L-shaped, because before N-shaped became very popular, the L-shaped were the only buses that had been showing movies.


I was going for the front door and we were passing the river side that suddenly the driver lost focus and the bus broke the guards and start going to river's direction.


I panicked and before I knew, another guy and I were out of the bus through the windows. I acted so ranger like that I was very shocked myself. The old driver managed to control the bus before it went down to the river. He came out of bus and started yelling at the other guy and me... He accused us of being cowards... He was talking and nagging that the malfunctioning of the projector's bus freed me of my shock and took everyone's attention.


The projector's directionality was diverted by the accident and it was directed to the window on the roof of the bus and on a very dramatic manner it was showing something very strange in the sky...


We later find out that on that particular moment every device that could show a thing was showing that strange symbol that was changing by the moment until it became something that we now call the other's symbol...


I really like to explain what others are but the only thing I remember is killing people I knew while they were transformed to dark beings, genius killing machines... I still can't believe I could overcome my fears and emotions and took care of those dark things...


What others are... Maybe next time...

نظرات 1 + ارسال نظر
محمد پنج‌شنبه 9 آذر‌ماه سال 1391 ساعت 12:15 ق.ظ

Have you ever been a hollow or something!?, maybe one of those hollowfied ones nothing to do but wearing masks shooting some reiatsu out of their damn frakking zanpaktu on our houses
Ichigi is it you?
oh come on its you

comments: ichigi is the other side of that famous ichigo at sleep

well it wasn't really about ichigi or ichigo
but I can't be sure about that
maybe I'm doing sth in sleep

it was one of my nightmares that I tried to describe here
and it has a second part that I haven't written yet

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